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Increasing numbers of traumatized youth are needlessly entering into the juvenile justice system by way of the school-to-prison pipeline.



- Shalondra Frazier, M.Ed.

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The Social Risk

Management Strategist

A Texas Education Agency (TEA) Accepted Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Training Methodology for Educators and Justice System Personnel

The purpose of the Social Risk Management Strategist professional development is to provide knowledge and disciplinary alternatives to educators and justice system professionals who work with at-risk and deviant youth. This training addresses behavior management from a historical, cultural, and theoretical perspective while identifying evidence based practices and processes.

According to the TEA website, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requires that education agencies review local education agency (LEA) data to identify suspension and expulsion rates.

The Social Risk Management Strategist training can be used to develop a new educator certification for this specialized and underserved population.

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This training manual is a shift away from the low socio-economic status and poverty explanation for deviance and poor behavior. You will also receive access to the Individualized Risk Analysis (IRA).

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Poverty alone does not cause delinquency or prompt adverse behaviors. However, poverty can hold individuals captive in their unfortunate circumstances. Marginalized populations need equal access to resources and opportunities. This must include exposure to positive influences & activities without fear of systematic biases, unequal justice, and disproportionate minority contact with the justice system.


- Carrol Carter, Retired Case Manager and Shalondra Frazier, M.Ed.

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